Nos premiers pas dans Lima. Ville
dépaysante par sa population ( c est un peu con ce que je dis, mais
je réalise a peine ou je suis!).
Prendre le bus est une aventure :
pas de plan, pas de réseau global. Chacun a son propre bus ( du
coup, tous différents) et gère ça a sa manière. Les itinéraires
sont tout de même définis. Et dans chaque bus a un sorte de
rabatteur qui annonce ou va le bus et tente de te convaincre de
monter (parfois 3 bus pour la même destination arrivant la fois).
Our first steps in Lima. The city is rather exotic with its v. different popuation (possibly a churlish thing to say, but it hasn´t yet sunk in where we are!)
Taking the busis an adventure in itself : no maps, timetable or bus etwork. People own their own bus (so no 2 are alike) and deal with their routes in their own manner. The journeys are set at least, and there is a person who leans out the window calling out the name of where theyre going and rying to get you on his bus (sometimes 3 buses for the same destination pul up at the same moment).
Taking the busis an adventure in itself : no maps, timetable or bus etwork. People own their own bus (so no 2 are alike) and deal with their routes in their own manner. The journeys are set at least, and there is a person who leans out the window calling out the name of where theyre going and rying to get you on his bus (sometimes 3 buses for the same destination pul up at the same moment).
Marcher dans le centre est sympa.
Chaque rue correspond un type de magasin : La rue des cartes de
visites, la rue des sous vêtements ... Les marches couverts sont
incroyablement vivants : plein de petits stands ou sont stockes
a l air libre la viande, les poulets, les poissons (il y a quand même
un peu de glace sous les poissons). Certains cuisinent des petits
plats pour vendre aux passants . C est très sympa. Nos ventres ne sont surement pas as encore assez prepares pour tenter la bouffe de la rue, donc ca sera pour un autre fois!
Its pleasant to walk in the center of town. Each street has its own "type" of shop : The street of greeting cards shops, undrewear shops etc... Quite odd! The markets are heaving with life with lots of little stands where the meat is hung without cooling or protection from insects (meat, chicken, even fish are stored like this. Little concession for the fish, hey do at least plonk it on a bed of ice!) Some stalls cook dishes for passers by who sit at the stand to eat. Our stomachs probably aren't well enough prepared for street food yet, so we didn't chance it.
Its pleasant to walk in the center of town. Each street has its own "type" of shop : The street of greeting cards shops, undrewear shops etc... Quite odd! The markets are heaving with life with lots of little stands where the meat is hung without cooling or protection from insects (meat, chicken, even fish are stored like this. Little concession for the fish, hey do at least plonk it on a bed of ice!) Some stalls cook dishes for passers by who sit at the stand to eat. Our stomachs probably aren't well enough prepared for street food yet, so we didn't chance it.
On a assiste au changement des gardes du
palais. Petit rituel quotidien d une ½ heure ou on peut écouter l
armée jouer et voir les soldats marcher bizarrement (Ca rappelle a Avi ses sorties d'enfance avec sa Mamie a Hampton Court Palace)... ça
décrédibilise un peu car la musique rappelle une peña nîmoise ou
basque !
We watched the changing of the guards at the palace. Daily ritual where you can watch the army brass band play music and do odd marches (it reminded me of childhood outings with Nanna to Hampton Court Palace)... The musique ressembles the nimes or basque penas which made it a little less glamorous for Jeremy!
We watched the changing of the guards at the palace. Daily ritual where you can watch the army brass band play music and do odd marches (it reminded me of childhood outings with Nanna to Hampton Court Palace)... The musique ressembles the nimes or basque penas which made it a little less glamorous for Jeremy!
La peña locale |
Puis premier resto péruvien ou on a pu
goûter des plats du coin avec des saveurs toutes nouvelles pour
notre bouche, notamment un légume un peu strangeos, le yucca, ( plus que strange
en fait) et une boisson , la chicha, jus de mais violet sucre et cannelle. Pas
mal. On etait les 2 seuls gringos dans le resto, donc super depaysment.
Then first peruvian restaurant where we tasted local dshes with new flavours for our palette, like a strange vegetable, the yucca, and a drink made from purple corn and cinammon called Chicha, which was quite nice. What added to the experince was being the only 2 gringos in the restaurant.
Then first peruvian restaurant where we tasted local dshes with new flavours for our palette, like a strange vegetable, the yucca, and a drink made from purple corn and cinammon called Chicha, which was quite nice. What added to the experince was being the only 2 gringos in the restaurant.
Au niveau architecture, quelques
bâtiments jolis mais pour la plupart, c est assez peu esthétique
comme ville : très étale, beaucoup de "ruines", rues très larges.
9 Millions d'habitants, un thiers de la population peruvien! Beaucoup de pollution atmosphérique.
Et tout a cote, coexistent des nouveaux buildings en verre et des 4X4 rutilants!
Architecturaly, a few pretty buildings, but mostly ugly town : very spread out, lots of "ruins", large streets 9 million inhabitants, third of the peruvian population! Alot of pollution. And coexisting with all this are new skyskrapers of glass and shiny 4x4 cars!
Le quartier ou l'on dort est sympa :
Miraflores, pas loin de l’océan. Les plages ont été ravagées
par Catherina mais elles sont en réhabilitation.
Notre auberge de jeunesse est très
sympa (pariwana).
The area where we're staying is quite nice: Miraflores, near the Pacific ocean. The beaches were ravaged by hurricane Katrina, but they are being rehabilitated.
Hier on a pu visiter le musée
national : expos sur les différents civilisations qui ont
peuple le Pérou puis une expo photos temporaire sur les sentiers
lumineux : ça fait froid dans le dos cette capacité a être
aussi violent. Groupe terroriste (pseudo communiste) qui ont pas mal
traumatise la population dans les années 80 et 90.
Yesterday we visited the national museum: expositions on the different civilisations of Peru et a photo exposition on the communist terrorist group whch was active until the mid 90s. Its quite frightening to witness such a huge capacity for violence.
Yesterday we visited the national museum: expositions on the different civilisations of Peru et a photo exposition on the communist terrorist group whch was active until the mid 90s. Its quite frightening to witness such a huge capacity for violence.
Aujourd’hui hui, recherche de bus
pour AYACUCHO puis balade dans notre quartier et en bord d'ocean. A
priori, on devrait partir cette nuit. 10H de bus... Altitude Lima : 154m. Altitude Ayacucho: 2774m!
Today, looking for a bus to Ayacucho and then walk around our area and the ocean. We`re looking for a night bus as its a 10 hour bus ride. Altitude Lima: 154m. Altitude Ayacucho: 2774m !
Today, looking for a bus to Ayacucho and then walk around our area and the ocean. We`re looking for a night bus as its a 10 hour bus ride. Altitude Lima: 154m. Altitude Ayacucho: 2774m !
NB : oui, je sais Vanina, il n y a
pas d accent sur mes ou, mais j l ai pas sur mon clavier.
To be continued...
To be continued...
FYI yuca = cassava. Looked it up :)
RépondreSupprimerand what s the cassava? What can you cook with it?
SupprimerIt's a root vegetable. I've eaten cassava crisps before. I think Chiggs's mum makes some sort of cassava curry thing. And I went to an Indian restaurant with his family one time where they did cassava chips. So basically anything you can do with potatoes. It's tasty :) probably healthier too...
SupprimerEst-ce le même YuCca que l'on utilise en plante d'interieur?
RépondreSupprimerje pense pas, a priori c est le cassava
SupprimerA priori: sick Latin phrase used in maths. And yuca is not the same as the yucca plant.