10 au 15 février 2013.
un petit déjeuner à l'anglaise dans un petit bar de Dunedin, nous
partons pour quelques heures de route vers le lac Tékapo et le Mont
a delicious breakfast in a little bar in Dunedin, we set off for a
few hours' journey to Lake Tekapo and Mount Cook.
Yummy, yummy, in my tummy! Jeremy's brekkie, left, mine, right (so copious, I left half for Jeremy!) |
route est une fois de plus magnifique et très peu fréquentée. Que
c'est beau un pays non surpeuplé!
again, the road is beautiful and has very few cars. Its wonderful to
net be in an overpopulated country!
admirons le lac Tékapo , au pied des montagnes du mont Cook. Immense
lac à la couleur bleu turquoise, causée par les sédiments des
glaciers. On s'achète quelques petits morceaux de Saumon pour notre
repas du soir. C 'est pas parcequ'on campe, qu'on doit manger du
Findus au cheval...
admire Lake Tekapo, at the foot of the mountains of Mount Cook
national park. Its a huge lake with water that is made turquoise
blue by the glacial sediment. We buy some fresh salmon (local
speciality) for dinner. Just because we're camping, doesn't mean we
have to eat horse-meat burgers...
Horizons communs. Shared horizons. |
Hommage aux chiens de bergers qui ont contribué à l'établissement de l'homme sur ces terres. Hommage to the sheep dogs who have contributed so much to the life of men in this region. |
Mont Cook. |
arrivons à l'aire de bivouac aménagé par Doc. De magnifiques
prairies naturelles, entourées de petits torrents, devant des
montagnes imposantes et une belle salle commune pour cuisiner.
Premier camping où il y a pas mal de monde (une cinquantaine de
personnes). Faut dire que le coin est parfait pour les randos,
l'alpinisme... Par hasard nous recroisons nos anglais qui avaient
décidé de louer une voiture.
arrive at a DOC campsite: wonderful prairies dotted with little
streams, surrounded by impressive mountains, and a nice shelter for
cooking. Its the first busy campsite we've been to (about 50
people). The spot is ideal for hikes, walks, rock climbing... "By
accident" we stumble on our young stalkers Ben and Ellie who are
no longer hitch hiking and have rented a car for more freedom (and I
suspect better stalking capacity!).
passe alors la soirée ensemble à se raconter nos précédentes
aventures, avec un thé, quelques toffeepop (des biscuits à rendre
folle ma soeur! Sorte de biscuit avec une couche de chocolat et une
couche de toffe ) et une bonne partie de 10000. Cfait plaisir de voir
" nos enfants"et passer un bon moment ensemble.
we spend the evening together talking about our recent adventures,
with some tea, a few ToffeePops (Jeremy's favourite biscuits in the
world: biscuit with a layer of toffee, covered in chocolate) and
obviously we played 10 000. All jokes aside,
its great to see our "kids" again and have a fun evening
un coucher tardif, Avi et moi se levons tôt (6h, pourquoi est ce si
facile de se lever quand ce n'est pas pour aller travailler?) pour se
faire l'ascension d'un petit sommet permettant une belle vision du
massif montagneux et des glaciers. 1000M de dénivelé en 2h . On a
bien la forme, surtout Avi qui va devoir bientôt me porter pour
qu'on aille plus vite. Une fois de plus, on est épatés par les
going to bed late, we get up early (6am: why is
it so much easier to get up so early when it's NOT for work?) to
climb up a little peak with a wonderful view of the surrounding
mountains and glaciers. 1000M climb in 2 hours (3 and a half
sign posted). We're on top form, and Jeremy jokes that soon I'll
have to carry him to go faster... but let's not get too carried away
with ourselves!! Once again, we're impressed with the
infrastructure set up by DOC.
DOC a bâti sur la moitié de la montée (sur 500m de dénivelé) un
sentier constitué de marches en bois belles et robustes. Cela évite
l'érosion, donc protège l'aspect esthétique de la montagne et
facilite la montée. La première grosse marche annonce la couleur :
"il vous reste seulement 1810 marches pour faire la moitié de
l'ascension". Avi prend son courage à deux mains et décide de
ne pas les compter ...
built a track over half of the climb (500m), made of robust wood.
This protects the track from erosion and protects the mountain in a
pictoresque manner, whilst helping people with the ascent. The
first few steps ominously announce "Only" 1810 steps to
go... and that's just to the halfway point!! But I put on a brave
smile so as not to be mistaken for a sissy by my husband and do my
best not to count the steps...
Au sommet, nous sommes entourés de montagnes encore plus grandes, avec des glaciers qui s'écroulent dans le vide, et des chutes d'eau qui vont alimenter, quelques centaines de mètres plus bas, plusieurs lacs. On peut voir le Mont Cook (3750m), le plus haut de Nouvelle Zélande, sous les rayons de soleil du matin et un magnifique nuage (lenticulaire) au sommet. Nous sommes tout près de notre étape sur la west coast, où nous avions passé quelques jours il y a dix jours, c'est juste de l'autre côté de la montagne!
the peak, we're surrounded by even bigger mountains, with glaciers
tumbling down the cliffs, and waterfalls that will feed the lakes a
few hundred metres down valley. We can see Mount Cook (3750m), the
highest summit in New Zealand, under the morning sun and a beautiful
cloud around its peak. We're really close, as the bird flies, to
where we had been on the West Coast ten days ago: it's just the other
side of the mountain!
la descente , Avi essaie de me semer mais j'ai ma fierté quand même!
the way down, whilst Jeremy pauses to take photos, I break into a run
to try and beat him down, but he has a reputation to protect, so soon
catches up with me (especially at the bottom of
the 1810 steps where my muscles can take little more: the last 15
minutes back to the campsite are on jelly sticks).
partons nous doucher dans une maison communale au village d'à côté.
Puis nous reprenons la route vers Arthur's pass. Nous n'avons plus
beaucoup de temps en Nouvelle zélande...
shower in the public shelter in Mount Cook village before heading off
to Arthur's Pass. We don't have much time left in New Zealand...
Pass est une route au coeur de l'île du sud. Cette route, bâtie il
y a plusieurs décennies, permet de traverser l'île de part en part
en traversant les Alpes centrales.
Pass is a road that passes through the centre of the south island.
This road built several decades ago allows you to cross the island
from one side to another through the Southern Alps.
partir de Mont Cook, nous revenons dans la plaine pour retourner vers
les montagnes plus au nord. La route est progressivement de plus en
plus belles et sauvage. Nous arrivons au hameau d'Arthur's Pass ,
tout près du col. La station service (la seule de la région et on
arrive près de la réserve... ) est fermée mais le proprio, d'une
gentillesse néo zélandaise accepte de réouvrir pour qu'on fasse le
Mount Cook, we come back to the valley to head towards the mountains
further north. The road becomes prgressively more wild and
beautiful. We arrive at the Arthur's Pass hamlet, near the pass.
The petrol station (the only in the area and we're down to our
reserve...) was closed half an hour ago, but the landlord, with
customary Kiwi Kindness, opens up for us so we can fill up!
se trouve un petit chemin qui nous emmène dans une petite vallée
sauvage pour poser notre maison de toile. Mais les sandfly viennent
rapidement chercher notre sang pour nourrir leurs gentils petits
marmots... Encore un autre repas dans notre loft plutôt que devant
les montagnes. Durant la nuit, un Kéa (perroquet des montagnes)
viendra manger mes chaussures...
find a little path that takes us to a wild valley where
we pitch tent for the night. But the Sandflies are soon there
hunting our blood to reproduce... another
dinner will be eaten within the cosy confines of our tent rather than
before the sublime mountain views... During the night, a mischeivous
Kea (alpine parrot)
decides to eat Jeremy's shoes...
lendemain, nous allons au petit musée d'Arthur's Pass proposé par
DOC. On prend conscience, grâce à un petit documentaire, des enjeux
et de la complexité de construire cette route il y a plus d'un
siècle. Cette route permettait de relier la côte Est à l'Ouest.
Les difficultés des passages des premières voitures à cheval ont
fini par pousser les dirigeants à construire un tunnel et mettre en
place une liaison ferroviaire. Les travaux ont commencé à le pelle
et la pioche pour creuser un tunnel de 8,5km. Au bout d'e 30 années
de travaux, les deux équipes se rejoignent avec 30 cm d'erreur!!!
next day, we go to the little Arthur's Pass DOC museum. A little
film shows us how difficult and complex it was to have built this
road over a century ago. The road connected the East to the West
during the New Zealand Gold Rush. Before its construction, horse
dran carriages took 36 hours, over 3 days, to cross the Southern
Alps. Public discontent led the state to build a rail track that
went through a tunnel pierced in the mountains. The labour was
carried out with picks and spades for and 8.5km tunnel. After 30
year's work, the two team's met in the middle with only a 30cm error
to rectify!
Everybody 's got to live together... |
The original 36 hours coach... |
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road... |
continue ensuite sur la route pour admirer les paysages et rentrer
sur Christchurch. On s'arrête près d'un coin qui me rappelle
étrangement nos causses cévennols avec ses roches dolomitiques
(montpellier le Vieux, la couvertoirade...). On se fera une petite
promenade entre les blocs rocheux gigantesques posés sur une
pelousette tout fraichement entretenue par les moutons.
continue along the road to admire the landscapes before heading for
Christchurch. We stop in an area that reminds
Jeremy of the Larzac and walk around the giant boulders nature has
left there.
la plus grande ville de l'île du sud, dévastée par un fort
tremblement de terre en 2010 et puis encore en 2011.
Christchurch, the biggest city on the south island was devastated by an earthquake in 2010 and just when rebuilding work began, another in 2011.
Christchurch, the biggest city on the south island was devastated by an earthquake in 2010 and just when rebuilding work began, another in 2011.
nous installons pour trois nuits dans un petit camping décentré où
pas mal de personnes habitent suite à la destruction de leur maison.
profitons de notre dernier jour de location de voiture pour aller
déambuler dans les baies au sud de la ville. On marche en bord de
falaise et sommes surpris par la présence de bunkers datant de la
seconde guerre mondiale. En effet, les néo zélandais s'étaient
préparés à une attaque des nazis! Incroyable, jusqu'ici, les
allemands voulaient emmerder le monde!
We spend three nights in a little campsite a little out of town which has people living there in camper vans since the earthquake destroyed their homes. We take advantage of the freedom of having a car one last time to visit the bays to the south of Christchurch. We walk along the cliffs and are surprised to see Second World War bunkers. The New Zealanders had, in fact, prepared for an attack by the Nazis. The Germans of the Thrid Reich had attempted to come as far out as here in their frantic search for liebensraum!!
We spend three nights in a little campsite a little out of town which has people living there in camper vans since the earthquake destroyed their homes. We take advantage of the freedom of having a car one last time to visit the bays to the south of Christchurch. We walk along the cliffs and are surprised to see Second World War bunkers. The New Zealanders had, in fact, prepared for an attack by the Nazis. The Germans of the Thrid Reich had attempted to come as far out as here in their frantic search for liebensraum!!
Inside a Scond World War bunker. |
Nous faisons un petit pique nique près du port où l'on se marre des mouettes au comportement enfantin (ou c'est peut être nous qui avons un comportement enfantin).
We have a picnic by the harbour where we are regaled by some very childish behaviour of the seagulls (or maybe it was us behaving like children...).
Notre prochain voyage. Chut, Avi ne le sait pas encore... Jeremy foolishly thinks our next travels will be like this... Keep dreaming darling!!! |
lendemain, nous allons en ville pour notre dernière vraie journée
en Nouvelle Zelande. Nous allons tous les deux chez la coiffeuse.
Elle est touchée de voir un couple se faire beau pour la St
Valentin! On est surtout là parce que je commence à avoir une barbe
d'islamiste et avi, des cheveux un peu trop abîmés!
The next day we head into town for our last full day in New Zealand. So we go to the hairdresser's. She thinks its sweet that a couple goes to get their hair cut together for Valentine's Day. It's actually just because Jeremy's beard has become so full on, people expect him to declare Jihad at any moment, and my ends are so split, bananas look like they have it together...
The next day we head into town for our last full day in New Zealand. So we go to the hairdresser's. She thinks its sweet that a couple goes to get their hair cut together for Valentine's Day. It's actually just because Jeremy's beard has become so full on, people expect him to declare Jihad at any moment, and my ends are so split, bananas look like they have it together...
ressortons de là tout propret et partons se faire un petit resto
pour faire honneur une dernière fois à la cuisine néo Zélandaise.
We leave all sparkly and new and head off to a restaurant to honour New Zealand cuisine one last time.
We leave all sparkly and new and head off to a restaurant to honour New Zealand cuisine one last time.
, c'est pas la meilleure du monde...
Let's just say they don't have the best cuisine in the world...
Let's just say they don't have the best cuisine in the world...
marchera ensuite, la nuit tombée dan la ville. Nous passons près de
la zone rouge. Zone dans laquelle, il n'y a plus de vie puisqu'elle a
été vidée pour être détruite et reconstruite. Christchurch a
perdu son centre ville historique et cela donne un aspect vraiment
triste au lieu. Voir des maisons abandonnées, des murs éventrés,
des églises détruites... On imagine facilement la détresse des
That evening we walk around town after nightfall. We walk by the Red Zone, where there is no longer any life because it is closed off to destroy and rebuild. Christchurch lost its historical centre of town and it gives a sad aspect to the town. To see abandonned homes, ripped out walls, destroyed churches... we can easily imagine the population's distress.
That evening we walk around town after nightfall. We walk by the Red Zone, where there is no longer any life because it is closed off to destroy and rebuild. Christchurch lost its historical centre of town and it gives a sad aspect to the town. To see abandonned homes, ripped out walls, destroyed churches... we can easily imagine the population's distress.
finira la soirée dans un pub à l'air libre, construit par des
bénévoles avec des matériaux de récupération (et il y en a!),
tout cela en plein centre. Lieu symbolique où la musique live et
l'ambiance amicale redonne de l'espoir aux gens!
We finish our evening in an open air pub, built by volunteers with recuperated materials (the walls, for example, are made of palettes), all in the centre of town. A symbolic place where live music and a friendly atmosphere gives new hope to the people of Christchurch.
We finish our evening in an open air pub, built by volunteers with recuperated materials (the walls, for example, are made of palettes), all in the centre of town. A symbolic place where live music and a friendly atmosphere gives new hope to the people of Christchurch.
rentre en bus et à pied à notre camping, une petit balade
romantique sous le ciel étoilé de l'hémisphère sud. T'as vu où
je t'emmène!
We head back to the campsite by bus and then on foot, a romantic little walk under the starry southern hemisphere sky.
We head back to the campsite by bus and then on foot, a romantic little walk under the starry southern hemisphere sky.
arrivant au camping, nous retrouvons notre jeune couple d'anglais!
Décidemment, ils nous suivent.
When we get back to the campsite, we find our young English couple again. They really are stalking us (they even insist that the spot next to us was the only place left to pitch their tent!),
When we get back to the campsite, we find our young English couple again. They really are stalking us (they even insist that the spot next to us was the only place left to pitch their tent!),
lendemain matin, ils nous emmènent à l'aéroport de Christchurch
pour attraper notre avion. Belle symbolique, c'est désormais eux qui
nous prennent dans leur voiture. Les enfants grandissent tellement vite!
The next morning, they take us to the airport in Christchurch to catch our plane (after a good hour of looking for their car keys. Its ok Ellie, I lose everything too!). Symbollically touching, its now them who take us in their car. Kids grow up so fast!
The next morning, they take us to the airport in Christchurch to catch our plane (after a good hour of looking for their car keys. Its ok Ellie, I lose everything too!). Symbollically touching, its now them who take us in their car. Kids grow up so fast!
quittons la nouvelle Zélande et c'est vraiment pas simple. Pour ma
part, c'est ma destination préférée et pourtant, je suis bien
exigeant... mais la diversité des paysages, l'organisation du pays,
l'amour de la nature et le respect pour elle de la part des néo
zélandais ainsi que leur accueil souriant et chaleureux font que ce
pays est telement agréable pour vivre. Même les douaniers sont
agréables, c'est pour dire.
We leave New Zealand and its really not easy to do. It has been Jeremy's favourite so far, and he does have rather high standards... but the diversity of landscapes, the organisation of the country, the love of nature and the respect it is shown by Kiwis as well as their warm welcome make this a great country to live in. Even the customs officers are friendly!
We leave New Zealand and its really not easy to do. It has been Jeremy's favourite so far, and he does have rather high standards... but the diversity of landscapes, the organisation of the country, the love of nature and the respect it is shown by Kiwis as well as their warm welcome make this a great country to live in. Even the customs officers are friendly!
assiste à une scène excellente à la douane de l'aéroport où un
douanier interroge la personne devant nous sur ses vacances en
Nouvelle Zélande. Tout cela avec quand même une voix de douanier.
Ce qui rend la scène comique , d'autant plus que le voyageur pense
que le douanier veut vérifier certains points de son voyage pour le
contrôler, et on le sent bien stressé!
We watch a brilliant scene at the airport customs desk where the customs officers grills the person in front of us on his holiday in New Zealand. All this with the serious voice of a customs officer. What makes it so amusing is that the poor tourist thinks he's being grilled about various aspects of his holiday for security reasons and we can tell he's a little stressed!
We watch a brilliant scene at the airport customs desk where the customs officers grills the person in front of us on his holiday in New Zealand. All this with the serious voice of a customs officer. What makes it so amusing is that the poor tourist thinks he's being grilled about various aspects of his holiday for security reasons and we can tell he's a little stressed!
douanier: " Vous avez été dans des parcs nationaux?
voyageur : " euh, euh, oui, oui"
douanier . "Vous avez ramené des souvenirs?
voyageur . "oui, oui"
douanier :"Vous avez vu des kiwis?"
voyageur : " oui, oui"
douanier : Bon , c'est parfait tout Ca! Bon voyage Monsieur!
Customs officer (CO): have you visited any national parks?
Traveller (T) : erm... yes, yes.
CO: Have you bought any souvenirs to take home?
T : erm... yes, yes.
CO: Have you seen any kiwis?
T: yes, yes.
CO: Well then, that's perfect! Have a safe journey sir.
Customs officer (CO): have you visited any national parks?
Traveller (T) : erm... yes, yes.
CO: Have you bought any souvenirs to take home?
T : erm... yes, yes.
CO: Have you seen any kiwis?
T: yes, yes.
CO: Well then, that's perfect! Have a safe journey sir.
prenons notre avion et décollons pour Sydney pour une escale de
quelques heures puis direction Singapour. L'avion est énorme, avec
deux étages...
We climb aboard our plane and take off for Sydney for a one hour pause, then head to Singapore. The plane is huge, with 2 floors...
We climb aboard our plane and take off for Sydney for a one hour pause, then head to Singapore. The plane is huge, with 2 floors...
survole pendant des heures le désert d'Australie, immense!
arriverons à Singapour à 3h du matin, ici il est 22h. On remonte le temps, Vive le
décalage horaire...
We fly over the incredible Australian desert for a few hours, breathtaking!
We land in Singapore at 3am, but its only 10pm here. We've travelled back in time, long live Jet Lag!!
We fly over the incredible Australian desert for a few hours, breathtaking!
We land in Singapore at 3am, but its only 10pm here. We've travelled back in time, long live Jet Lag!!
be continued...
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