lundi 10 septembre 2012

Episode 2 : Une journee a Grenade.

Vendredi 7 septembre, apres quelques heures de bus, nous avons pu decouvrir Grenade et son allhambra. Site exceptionnel!

Friday 7th September, after a few hours on the bus, we were able to visit Grenada and its magnificent Alhambra. 

Mais bien trop grand pour en decouvrir touts les richesses... Ca permet de laisser un petit gout de reviens-y.
A savoir : Prevoir deux jours pour une belle visite.
Unfortunately, its too big and to wonderful to be able to discover all its riches in just one day... It leaves a little taster to make you want to come back and visit it again.  
NB: a decent visit of Grenada needs at least 2 days!

The Alhambra had the most incredible gardens, often with water as their major theme.

Jeremy improving his camera skills: still water images!

Amazingly elaborate wall carvings were made from plaster and covered entire rooms.

And courtyards.

"T'as vu ou je t'emmene?"

Grenada´s famous and very imposing Cathedral

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